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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I got nothin'

I'm sorry - I have no idea what to put in this space!!! I've had a crazy bit of a weekend/start of the work week, and my mind is filled only with compliance and contracts, instead interesting bloggy thoughts.

I have one small - not terribly funny - story from the weekend...

The kids spent all day playing Nerf wars in the back yard Saturday (Yes, I let them play with toy guns, if I didn't they would just make them out of their fingers or breakfast toast or whatever), this involves Monkey and Mater on a team against Possum. They will run around and shoot until one of them gets hit. If they manage to get Possum, the little ones jump up and down and yell, and scream "We won". If one of them is the one who has been shot, the other immediately puts down his weapon, and says, "I give up". Wussies.

They spend lots of time planning, and strategizing, and at one point, they started a new game. Monkey walked slowly straight toward Possum, lowed his gun to the ground and backed away slowly, hands in the air. Possum looked at me, as if to ask "What are they up to?", but I only shook my head, to let him know that I had nothing to do with this plan. Mater then lay down his gun as well, and backed away. I stepped in at that point, telling them that playing that way wasn't much fun for anyone, and if they had 'bullets" left in their guns, they had better be shooting!

Wait, what??



Also, as usual, my children offered up LOTS of cutsie things that were said, but I can only remember one of them now - I always tell myself to write them down, but I never do...

Mater: Mom, Monkey won't play with me...
Me: Well, why not?
Mater: I don't know, because he's a lazy bum!


I'll give my brain time to recharge, and perhaps I'll have more later this week...



for a different kind of girl said...

My boys love the Nerf laser tag guns, and you're right, it's close to impossible to keep them from playing 'guns,' no matter how their interest waxes or wanes.

Hope you have a productive remainder of the week, and you can shake those compliance and contract matters all the way out!

Liz Harrell said...

Nerf wars! I miss those!

Unknown said...

awwww Nerf wars-I remember the days now my beans go out hunting with daddy a whole nother kind of worry!

I feel your pain on writers blog block per say my last 2 days were a whole lotta nadda

Maren said...

I always feel like I'm in the middle of a 3 ring circus, right up until I need a funny story for the blog. Then those people are as funny as church. They've been so good this week, I'm not sure who's kids they are...:)

Nikki said...

hey, those nerf gun foamy bullet things are fun. i just won't ever admit that to my 4 year old.